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Resolutions Committee

CDP Bylaws Article V, Section 5, C.:

The Resolutions Committee reviews all resolutions proposed to the committee or the Executive Board in accordance with the California Democratic State Central Committee (CDP) Bylaws. This committee has the authority to recommend, reject, or amend all such resolutions prior to referral to the committee or the Executive Board. The Resolutions Committee establishes and publishes the procedures for the proposition of resolutions that are consistent with the Party’s Bylaws.

Resolutions will next be considered at the May 2025 Convention. The deadline to submit is April 30th at 12pm (NOON).

CDP Sample Resolution

Please submit Resolution using the link below.
Submit a Resolution
Procedural Rules / How to Submit a Resolution

Updates on resolutions being accepted and what meeting they will be referred to can be found by clicking on the Submit a Resolution Link. Please read the text before the form submission.

Resolutions will only be accepted via the form above.

Resolutions not complying with the above time limits, for either Executive Board meetings or annual CDP Conventions, will be termed “late resolutions.” In order for a late resolution to be considered for passage, the sponsor of the resolution must provide the CDP STAFF with 35 printed copies of the resolution for use by the Committee members no later than noon (12 pm) before the announced Committee meeting date and time. For a resolution to be considered, it must be sponsored by a member of the DSCC. Be sure to include this qualifying information on the submission form.

Quick Tips on Writing a Resolution for the CDP

  • Resolutions are intended to be statements of our principles. Resolutions are not directives telling anyone to do anything.
  • Resolutions that dive into highly technical and detailed policy recommendations may be postponed until the Committee can fully research and understand the meaning and intent of the resolution.
  • Resolutions can only be 400 words including the title.
  • Resolutions must on one 8.5 by 11-inch page in 12pt Font. The staff will remove sponsors from the page for the Resolution to fit.
  • Resolutions should not reference or take positions on specific bill numbers, legislation, or ballot initiatives. For Legislative Items, please go to the Legislation Committee here.
  • The resolving body of the resolution MUST be the California Democratic Party, not a different organization.
  • After resolutions have been passed at a Convention or EBoard, or qualify to be automatically be posted by being “reaffirmed”, CDP will send them to the office of the Governor, the ProTem and the Speaker of the Assembly in the same format as they are posted on the Resolutions Committee website. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to send resolutions to anyone else.
  • It is highly recommended that you read the Procedural Rules above before submitting a Resolution.

Important Documents for the Resolutions Committee:

Passed Resolutions and Reaffirmations
Click here for Passed Resolutions and Reaffirmations

For past Resolutions and Reaffirmations, please visit the Resolution Matrix above.

Committee Roster 2023-2025


Kenneth Armstrong
Agi Kessler

To get in touch with our Lead Co-Chairs please email [email protected].

Vice Chairs

Franbert Calderon
Andrea Beth Damsky
Katrina Dunn
Tony Hale
Stacey Reardon
Analisa Swan


Michael Barnett
Marquetta Brown
Avinder Chawla
Jean Cohen
Doris Foreman
Elvia Hernandez
Lisa Jacobs
Hanieh Jodat
Bryan King
Andrew Lachman
Elise Moore
Jane Natoli
Karen Osorio
Geanise Richardson
Juan Rodriguez Soto
Isabella Rubio
Andres Sandoval
Jeremy Smith
John Vassiliades
Alton Wang
Luis Zamora

Committee Staff

Nick Vanausdoll
[email protected]

Please note that these descriptions are not meant to be an interpretation of the California Democratic Party By-Laws. The CDP By-Laws are available on our website here.

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