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AD47 ADREP Vacancy Election

Candidate Filing Procedure and Deadline

Any DSCC Member who meets the eligibility requirements for Assembly District Representative to the Executive Board (see below for the requirements and a list of those currently eligible) must submit their name to the CDP Operations Manager Estevan Rojas by completing the following form by Saturday, May 4th @ 5:00 PM, indicating their willingness to run as a candidate to serve as the ADEM Executive Board Representative.

Candidate Filing Form:

Assembly District Representative Candidate Eligibility:

  • Any elected Democrat serving in a federal or state elected office resident in the relevant Assembly District whose term of office extends beyond January of the next odd-numbered year, (CDP Bylaws, Art. II, Sec. 2.b.)
  • The Democratic nominee of the most recent primary election for any federal or state elected office where the general election has not been held who resides in the relevant Assembly District before a Democrat is elected or designated to hold that office, (CDP Bylaws, Art. II, Sec. 2.d.)
  • The highest vote-getting Democrat for any federal or state elected office in a special election resident in the relevant Assembly District, unless the prior Democratic nominee is still a DSCC Member, (CDP Bylaws, Art. II, Sec. 2.e.)
  • Any appointed DSCC Member resident in the relevant Assembly District, or (CDP Bylaws, Art. II, Sec. 3.)
  • Any DSCC Member elected by ADEM resident in the relevant 2024 Assembly District. (CDP Bylaws, Art. II, Sec. 5.)

Candidates who have filed:
Patrick Weiss

Election Key Dates: 

Candidate Filing Deadline: Saturday, May 4th @ 5:00 PM: File Here:
Candidates posted on the Executive Board Page: Sunday, May 5th
Ballot Deadline: Monday, May 6th @ 5:00 PM: Email ballots to: [email protected]
Vacancy Election: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 @ 6:30 PM

AD 47 Executive Board Election Meeting Location & Time:
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM
Zoom Link:

Eligible Voters: All DSCC Members resident and registered in AD 47 and who have paid their 2024 DSCC Delegates dues are eligible to vote to fill the vacancy.


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