Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility CADEM Chair Rusty Hicks Released the Following Statement on Reporting that SCOTUS Plans to Overturn 01 Roe v. Wade - California Democratic Party

CADEM Chair Rusty Hicks Released the Following Statement on Reporting that SCOTUS Plans to Overturn 01 Roe v. Wade

SACRAMENTO, CA – “Tonight’s reports of the U.S. Supreme Court’s pending decision on reproductive freedom is deeply troubling – not only for those who seek an abortion, but for all who believe in the individual freedoms on which our democracy rests.

All signs point to a Supreme Court decision that is wrongheaded in both result and rationale. While the outcome may vary in the coming weeks, anything less than full and fair access to an abortion is unacceptable. If the Court holds this position, Congress must act to enshrine the right to reproductive freedoms in statute. But, until lawmakers in Washington act, California will continue to lead and serve as a safe haven for those who seek abortion services.

California Democrats will continue to stand for an individual’s right to an abortion and investments in reproductive healthcare services for all. Until the battle is won, we will stand with our partners and allies to ensure the voices of 10 million California Democrats are heard in our communities and at the ballot box in November.”


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