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County Committees

the gateway to
getting involved!

County Committees drive the front-line efforts of the California Democratic Party: registering and educating voters, protecting the right to vote, and working to elect candidates who will fight for our values. From local elections to Congressional races, our 58 County Committees are working hard to help Democrats win and engage more voters. Find your County Committee on the list and contact them by email, phone or online.

Alameda County

Chair: Igor Tregub

Email: [email protected]

Alpine County

Chair: Jill Trainer

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (916) 849-4855

Amador County

Chair: Steve Christensen

Email: [email protected]

Butte County

Chair: Rich Ober

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 588-5789

Calaveras County

Chair(s): Lisa Schwartz
Sharon Romano

Email:  [email protected]
Contact: (209) 559-2673

Colusa County

Chair: Ed Conrado

Email: [email protected]
Contact: 530-966-2997



Contra Costa County

Chair: Katie Ricklefs

Email: [email protected]

Del Norte County

Chair: Kevin Hendrick

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (707) 464-2254

El Dorado County

Chair: Margaret Fortune

Email: [email protected] 

Contact: (916) 312-3008

Fresno County

Chair: Ruben Zarate

Email: [email protected] Contact: (559) 259-9198

Glenn County

Chair: Sharon Phippen

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 865-0128

Humboldt County

Vice Chair: Mario Fernandez

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (707) 373-5750

Imperial County

Chair: Bryan Vega

Email: [email protected]

Contact: (760) 235-8720

Inyo County

Chair: Nina Weisman

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (760) 582-2199

Kern County

Chair: Christian Romo

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (661) 333-8704

Kings County

Chair: Cathleen Jorgensen

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (559) 269-0866

Lake County

Chair: Nara Dahlbacka

Email: [email protected]

Lassen County

Chair: Jacob Hibbitts

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 251-3982

Los Angeles County

Chair: Mark Ramos – NEW!
Email: [email protected]  or [email protected]

Madera County

Chair: William Fjellbo
Email: TBD
Contact: (559) 706-5426

Marin County

Chair: Pat Johstone

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (415) 295-2589 

Mariposa County

Chair: Steve Smallcombe

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Contact: (209) 742-5419

Mendocino County

Chair: Tekla Broz

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (707) 367-1990

Merced County

Chair: Martha O. Acevedo

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (209) 761-2034

Modoc County

Chair: Currently Vacant

Mono County

Chair: Joyce Kaufman

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (562) 972-1336

Monterey County

Chair: Ian Oglesby

[email protected]
Contact: (831) 277-637

Napa County

Chair: Johanna Kelley

Email: [email protected]

Nevada County

Chair: Steven Hurley

Email: [email protected] Contact: (530) 802-5431

Orange County

Chair: Florice Hoffman

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (714) 634-DEMS(3367)

Placer County

Chair: Nick Bennett 

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (510) 465-5067

Plumas County

Chair: Faith Strailey

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 283-2604

Riverside County

Chair: Joy Silver

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (760) 844-5577

Sacramento County

Chair: Andres Ramos

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (916) 271-0428 

San Benito County

Chair: Dolores Morales

Email: [email protected]

San Bernardino County

Chair: Kristin Washington

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (909) 513-5373

San Diego County

 Acting Chair: Kyle Krahel-Frolander

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (858) 277-3367

San Francisco County

Chair: Nancy Tung

[email protected]

San Joaquin County

Chair: Manuel Zapata

Email: [email protected]
Contact:(209) 482-4500

San Luis Obispo County

Chair: Tom Fulks

Email:[email protected] 
Contact: (805) 806-5626


San Mateo County

Chair: Karen Maki

[email protected]
Contact: (650) 346-0467

Santa Barbara County

Chair: Christian Alonso

Email: [email protected].

Contact: (805) 965-8030

Santa Clara County

Chair: Bill James

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (408) 831-1336

Santa Cruz County

Chair: Andrew Goldenkranz

Email: [email protected] Contact: (831) 588-8262

Shasta County

Chair: Elizabeth Betancourt

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 605-2762

Sierra County

Chair: Sylvia Lopez

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 862-1475

Siskiyou County

Chair: Alice Rogers

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 925-9516

Solano County

Chair: Don Lowrie

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (707) 435-3633

Sonoma County

Chair: Patricia “Pat” Sabo

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (707) 478-2047

Stanislaus County

Chair: Lise Talbott

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (209) 518-7163

Sutter County

Chair: Sharon Foote

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Contact: (530) 673-3961

Tehama County

Chair: Kathy Cole

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 347-3803

Trinity County

Chair: George Bates

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 778-0239

Tulare County

Chair: Josh Evans

Email:[email protected]
Contact: (559) 799-8640

Tuolumne County

Chair: Nicole Hurtado

[email protected]

Ventura County

Chair: Steven Auclair 

Email: [email protected]
Contact: ‪(805) 419-0139‬

Yolo County

Chair: Jake Whitaker

Yuba County

Chair: Bill High

Email: [email protected]
Contact: (530) 701-7588

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